Jim Wolf Technology JWT ECU Upgrade Twin Turbo TT - Nissan 300ZX 90-94 Z32

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why its not combatable with 2+2 ? - Saleh


Hi Saleh, they are, but the 2+2 was never sold as a TT in the United States, so it doesn't appear in most compatibility lists based on US models.


How much does this affect fuel economy? - Jason


Hi Jason, other than the temptation to use a heavier foot, these ECU upgrades really do not affect fuel economy. They don't really adjust anything on the fuel map where you would normally be "cruising," and that's when the ECU is just going off of O2 sensor feedback anyway.


Does this tune work together with aftermarket parts such as downpipes and exhaust? - Zeke


Yes, it is designed to support most common bolt-on mods


Does timing need to be adjusted at all when you install this ECU? Or is it literally replacing the Stock ECU and insert boost jets and it should run just fine. - Brandon Jessee


Literally just replacing the stock ECU and installing boost jets! The ECU dynamically adjusts timing based on load/RPM, so all you need to do is make sure the CAS is set correctly, and that's true for any ECU.

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